Col. Dame Kelly Holmes
Unique by Kelly Holmes paperback cover

Dame Kelly Holmes | Unique

Sat 26 Apr 2025 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Discover the extraordinary story of Dame Kelly Holmes, from her early days as an army recruit to her rise as an Olympic hero and much-loved TV personality.

In her most personal book yet, Kelly reveals the secret she kept hidden for over 50 years. From hiding her sexuality as a young soldier when being gay in the military was illegal, to living in fear of being outed as she stood on the podium at the Athens Olympics, her double-gold victory was shadowed by the weight of her secret.

Now, in a heart-rending and inspirational memoir, Kelly shares her journey to finally embracing her truth. In conversation with Gaby Huddart, she will discuss how she overcame years of struggle and fear, found inner peace, and became an unofficial ambassador for the LGBT+ community. Today, she is one of the most recognisable faces on daytime TV, bringing her warmth and honesty to millions as a regular panellist on Loose Women.

Her powerful and honest memoir is a story of resilience, self-discovery, and the courage to live life authentically. Don’t miss the chance to hear Dame Kelly Holmes discuss her journey of fear, freedom, and finding happiness.

Talk length: 1 hour including Q&A, followed by a book signing.

Venue: The Middle Brook Street Centre, Middle Brook Street, Winchester, SO23 8DQ

Duration: 1 hour

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Dame Kelly Holmes | Unique The Middle Brook Street Centre, Middle Brook Street, Winchester, SO23 8DQ £22
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Venue address: The Middle Brook Street Centre, Middle Brook Street, Winchester, SO23 8DQ

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