Rob Eastaway
Much Ado About Numbers cover

Rob Eastaway | Much Ado About Numbers: Shakespeare’s Mathematical Life and Times

Sat 26 Apr 2025 | 10:00am - 11:00am

What’s the connection between Shakespeare and maths? A lot, as it turns out!

Shakespeare grew up in a time of remarkable mathematical innovation. From astronomy to probability, music to multiplication, new mathematical ideas were taking off – and much of this was reflected in his work. In this highly engaging talk, award-winning author and broadcaster (BBC Radio 4’s More or Less) Rob Eastaway will discuss his new book which explores the surprising and entertaining ways that maths and numbers appear in Shakespeare’s plays.

Find out how Tudors multiplied, why Shakespeare never ended a line with the word orange, and why dice-playing was a serious hazard for the unwary. With historical asides, optics, astronomy, music and magic, you will never think about maths, history or Shakespeare the same way again.

Talk length: 1 hour including Q&A, followed by a book signing.

Venue: The Guildhall, The Broadway, Winchester, SO23 9GH

Duration: 1 hour

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Rob Eastaway | Much Ado About Numbers: Shakespeare’s Mathematical Life and Times The Guildhall, The Broadway, Winchester, SO23 9GH £17
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Venue address: Guildhall Winchester, The Broadway, Winchester SO23 9GH

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